Orchard Updates

2021 Season Has Begun

Fall is upon us and the orchard has been open since September 3rd. We opened the season with early McIntosh and have just added Red Max to the you-pick list. Red Max are similar to a McIntosh, with a slightly thinner skin and sweeter flavor. Red Max are a very juicy apple and last longer into the season. Red Max crop is lighter this year than last, while McIntosh is quite plentiful. The uppermost trees in the orchard, near the orchard store, are light on apples this year, but the larger sections of Macs both in the middle and bottom of the orchard are plentiful. The best view from the orchard is from those lower points, so its a great place to be picking and enjoying the beauty of nature.

Weather thus far has proven challenging, with many grey days, and short bursts of rain followed by sunshine. With the weather as unpredictable as it is, its a good idea to come with a raincoat or umbrella with you, just in case you happen to be caught in a classical Vermont change in weather. We also have pre-picked bagged apples at the orchard store for those who are unable to pick or would like to buy apples despite the inclement weather.

For our doughnut lovers, we’ll continue to have Fresh Cider Doughnuts on Sundays at the orchard store. Come early to grab some of these delicious treats of fall!

We’ll continue to post updates throughout the season so check back to see what varieties we have opening up and what’s new. We look forward to seeing you!